Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

General Douglas MacArthur and the Taiwan Passport Controversy

General Douglas MacArthur did not agree that the territorial sovereignty of Taiwan was transferred to China on Oct. 25, 1945, or that the native Taiwanese people were correctly classified as having the nationality of "Republic of China."

Nearly 65 years after General MacArthur made these remarks, the native Taiwanese are now beginning to wake up to the reality that their nationality status is incorrect, and that the mistreatment which they receive in the international community is (in large part) due to their misclassification as ROC Chinese.


Experts slam ministry’s WWII videos

Government-funded videos marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II portrayed a “historically inaccurate” version of the transfer of Taiwanese sovereignty after the war and failed to review the history “from a Taiwan-centered perspective,” a National Chengchi University professor of Taiwanese history said yesterday.

As part of the government’s year-long plan to publicize the role of the Republic of China’s (ROC) armed forces and government in World War II, five videos commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were posted on the “Trending Taiwan” YouTube channel, leading to debate among people who watched them.


Unite under heaven: The ‘one China’ conundrum

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) presidential hopeful Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) keeps talking about “one China, same interpretation.” By now, everyone is wondering what it is that is being interpreted in the same way. A livid Hung has hit back at people who do not understand, saying that “this is a matter of erudition.” Erudition indeed: Perhaps Confucius would have understood it, but the person in the street sure does not.


Minister refuses to withdraw curriculum guidelines

Debates over high-school curriculum guidelines should not be decided by which side shouts the loudest, Minister of Education Wu Se-hwa (吳思華) said yesterday, rejecting demands to withdraw the ministry’s new guidelines before the expiration of a student protester-imposed deadline today.

“Although it is undeniable that there is controversy, this controversy should not become something in which one side always wins out over another side,” Wu said.


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Environmental activists yesterday vowed to stage a large-scale protest if the government does not immediately suspend the construction of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant, as well as re-examine the nation’s three operational nuclear power plants.

Saying that Taiwan would be hopeless if the incident at Japan’s Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant happened here, Green Party Taiwan spokesperson Pan Han-shen (潘翰聲) said the residents of Gongliao District (貢寮), New Taipei City (新北市), where the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant is located, would hold a demonstration in front of the Executive Yuan tomorrow morning, demanding an immediate suspension to the power plant’s construction.