Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwanese in US demand ethnicity option in census

Several Taiwanese-American organizations on Friday issued a joint letter, calling on the US Census Bureau to include a “Taiwanese” option to answer the ethnicity question in the next US national census in 2020.

The US Constitution requires a national census once every 10 years and according to the US Census Bureau, an individual’s response to the ethnicity question is based on self-identification.


Human Rights Foundation mulling forum in Taipei

Human Rights Foundation chief strategy officer Alex Gladstein walks out of a hotel in an undated photograph.
Photo: CNA

The Human Rights Foundation is seeking to hold one of its freedom forums in Taipei next year to highlight Taiwan’s suppression in the international community and its democratic achievements, the New York-based group said.


KMT was corrupted by power, absolutely

This year, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lost control of both the executive and legislative branches of government. It was not able to prevent the passage of new regulations regarding illicit party assets. Next up is legislation promoting transitional justice. Reform is a long and winding road, and there is some way to go yet.

The KMT is an unwilling participant in the process of its own political cleansing; this reluctance can be seen in news reports. The party, in its reaction to the demands of transitional justice, has been sinister and obstreperous.


Territorial Disputes: Japan warns China of worsening ties

China’s ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua answers questions from journalists after a meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida at the Japanese Foreign Ministry in Tokyo yesterday.
Photo: AFP

Japan yesterday warned China that ties were “deteriorating markedly” over disputed East China Sea islets, and China’s envoy in Tokyo reiterated Beijing’s stance that the specks of land were its territory and called for talks to resolve the row.


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Japanese politicians take part in the inauguration ceremony of the Japan-Taiwan Co-Prosperity Chiefs Alliance in Tokyo on Thursday.
Photo: Lin Tsuei-yi, Taipei Times

An alliance of Japanese local government heads on Thursday called on Tokyo to draw up a Japanese version of the US’ Taiwan Relations Act to improve bilateral cooperation on security.

The legislation would create a bilateral channel for security and political dialogues that both countries need, the Japan-Taiwan Co-Prosperity Chiefs Alliance told its founding event in Tokyo.