Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan must be tougher with China

It should come as no surprise that human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲) pleaded guilty to the Chinese authorities’ charge of “subversion of state power” during a court hearing in China’s Hunan Province yesterday.

Lee’s wife, Lee Ching-yu (李凈瑜), on Saturday had asked Taiwanese for understanding and forgiveness if her husband said anything unbearable in court against his will, adding: “This is just the Chinese government being adept at forcing confessions.”


Chinese court releases video of Lee confessing

Lee Ching-yu, wife of human rights advocate Lee Ming-Che, shows her arms tattooed with the words “Lee Ming-che, I am proud of you” to reporters in a hotel room in Yueyang in China’s Hunan Province, yesterday.
Photo: AP

Taiwanese human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲) yesterday confessed in a court in China to attempting to subvert the Chinese government, according to videos of his trial released by Chinese authorities, although his wife refused to recognize the court’s authority.


Taiwan to participate in US Navy drill

Taiwanese military observers will participate in a US Navy marine patrol exercise in March next year with unprecedented levels of access, a military official said yesterday, calling it “actual participation.”

The US military has previously only permitted observers to see the details of its anti-submarine tactics and technology during the exercise, the official said on condition of anonymity.


Localization of education

Pro-independence groups last Sunday called on the government to step up efforts to increase localization of the education system and curricula.

Critics of localization have argued that changes to curricula — such as reducing the emphasis on Chinese history and classical Chinese language and literature — will steer Taiwanese away from their “Chinese roots.”


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Young men and women hold up bitter gourds outside the National Taiwan Museum in the 228 Peace Memorial Park in Taipei yesterday at a gathering organized by youth groups to express young people’s grievances. Their headbands read: “We will never give up!”
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Most of the nation’s young people feel pessimistic about the country’s future under the leadership of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), a survey found.

However, a majority of the respondents said they were still confident that they could bring about change.

More than 100 young people joined representatives from the Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition, Across the Ocean 181 coffee shop, popular bulletin board system PTT and the Taiwan Alliance for Advancement of Youth Rights and Welfare (TAAYRW) in a rally held outside the National Taiwan Museum in Taipei yesterday as they released results of a survey.