Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China and India face challenging times ahead

A closer look at many potential conflict zones in East and South Asia reveals an alarming trend of transience and instability. This is particularly true when a nuclear and militaristic North Korea looms, threatening its neighbors and beyond.

We are witnessing what British journalist Gideon Rachman calls a troublesome process of “Easternization,” a dramatic shift of power and wealth from the West to Asia in the early 21st century.


Hung needs to read up on history

Former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) chairwoman Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) certainly got a number of things wrong in her comments on Taiwan’s history (“Former KMT chairwoman Hung slams ‘desinicization,’” Aug. 27, page 3).

At a forum commemorating Ming-era warlord Cheng Cheng-kung (鄭成功, also known as Koxinga) she criticized President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) administration for substituting “Cheng’s governance of Taiwan under the Ming Dynasty” with the “Cheng Dynasty” in school textbooks.


Taiwan needs to prepare for Chinese aggression: academic

China will not make concessions even if Taiwan takes a non-provocative attitude toward it, National Chung Cheng University College of Social Sciences dean Soong Hseik-wen (宋學文) said on Saturday, adding that Taiwan should bolster its national defense, technology, economic and trade abilities to withstand Beijing’s attempts at bringing Taiwan into its fold, an academic told a forum on Saturday.

Soong made the remarks at an academic conference held by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.


Taiwanese not fooled by Xi

The pragmatism of Taiwanese has been highlighted by a poll released on Thursday, which found that despite China’s increased bullying of the nation and its citizens, an overwhelming majority of Taiwanese support the government’s push for cross-strait peace and reject Beijing’s efforts to suppress Taiwan on the world stage.

The survey, conducted by Taiwan Real Survey and released by the Mainland Affairs Council, found that 87.8 percent of respondents support the government’s efforts to get both sides to work to maintain peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.


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A coalition of civic groups and human rights organizations yesterday demanded leaders of the nation’s political parties to follow through on their promises to pursue constitutional reforms.

Despite diverse proposals for constitutional reforms from across party lines, action on the issue has been “limited to verbal expressions,” the groups said.