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Burmese supporters in Taiwan denounce coup with songs

People yesterday hold placards at Liberty Square in Taipei to denounce the military coup in Myanmar.
Photo: Ann Wang, Reuters

Hundreds of people from Taiwan’s Burmese community yesterday rallied in central Taipei to denounce the coup in Myanmar, singing defiant songs and holding white and red roses in mourning for those who have died protesting the military.


Government must crack down on CUPP, Lim says

Premier Su Tseng-chang listens as Minister of the Interior Hsu Kuo-yung speaks at a question-and-answer session at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

Independent Legislator Freddy Lim (林昶佐) yesterday urged the government to crack down on the China Unification Promotion Party (CUPP), citing possible serious breaches of the law, including colluding with an enemy state.


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The novel coronavirus or NCoV, the tentative name given to a new strain of coronavirus which was first reported in the Middle East last year, may be becoming more easily transmitted between humans and doctors should be on their guard, the Department of Health said yesterday.

First discovered in a Qatari patient in Saudi Arabia last year, NCoV is a strain of virus similar to that which caused the SARS outbreak in 2003.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said the NCoV is a respiratory tract infection and has a latency period of between seven and 10 days, and causes certain SARS-like symptoms, while some cases may be accompanied by renal failure.