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Virus Outbreak: Infection of Belgian likely happened in Taipei: expert

National Taiwan University College of Public Health professor Tony Chen speaks at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.br /> Photo: Wu Po-hsuan, Taipei Times

A Belgian man who tested positive for COVID-19 in Taiwan last week is likely to have contracted the disease in Taipei in late June, National Taiwan University (NTU) College of Public Health vice dean Tony Chen (陳秀熙) said yesterday.


Virus Outbreak: Belgian suspected of local infection

Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung speaks at a Central Epidemic Command Center briefing in Taipei yesterday.  
Photo courtesy of the Central Epidemic Command Center via CNA

The government is considering tightening mask-wearing rules again in light of a potential domestic COVID-19 infection, Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shih-chung (陳時中) said yesterday.


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Operators of pro-independence underground radio station Ocean Wire (海洋之聲) said that political motives were behind Monday’s raid by the National Communications Commission (NCC) of their offices.

The NCC earlier maintained that the shutdown was part of Premier Wu Den-yih’s (吳敦義) call last Friday for a crackdown on underground radio stations that were hawking illegal medicine to listeners.