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PRC again fails in Australian resources bid

China’s efforts to gain a greater stake in Australia’s resource industry suffered a new setback yesterday when a Chinese miner dropped a US$400 million bid for a controlling stake in an Australian rare earths miner.

Earlier yesterday, the Australian defense department rejected a separate Chinese investment in an outback mining venture, saying it threatened national security.


Ball now in Ma's court on visit by Kadeer

A spokesman for Rebiya Kadeer yesterday confirmed that the exiled Uighur leader had accepted an invitation to visit Taiwan, adding that the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) holds the key to whether the visit will materialize.

Kadeer is more than happy to participate in the Kaohsiung Film Festival and speak to the Taiwanese public, Nury Turkel, president of the Uyghur American Association, told reporters in Washington.


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At the most recent UN General Assembly, Saint Lucian Prime Minister Kenny Anthony, one of the nation’s diplomatic allies, said he was aware of the determination of Taiwanese and Chinese to unite their countries, and that his country looks forward to that, a document obtained by Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) from the UN Web site said.

Hsiao disclosed Anthony’s statement, made at the 67th session of UN General Assembly on Sept. 28, yesterday at the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee.