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Home The News News China behind Cairo barring Lu: DPP

China behind Cairo barring Lu: DPP

Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Department of International Affairs Director Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) yesterday alleged that China was behind Cairo barring former vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) from entering Egypt even though she had a visa.

Hsiao, vice president of Liberal International (LI) who just returned from an LI Congress in Cairo, said yesterday that the Egyptian organizer, the Democratic Front Party, asked the Egyptian foreign ministry to tell the DPP, an LI member, that Cairo would not let Lu enter the country.

Hsiao said Beijing threatened to cancel a planned visit by the Chinese foreign minister to Cairo if Egypt allowed Lu to attend the LI congress because China did not want the two to be in Cairo at the same time.

Hsiao said the DPP later found out that it was Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao (溫家寶) who visited Cairo.

Expecting Cairo to deny Lu’s entry should she make the trip, Hsiao said the party decided to cancel Lu’s visit. Hsiao and three others, however, managed to attend the event.

Lu had also planned to transit in Thailand, but her Thai visa application was denied, Hsiao said.

Lu had planned to give a speech at the Cairo event, whose theme this year was “Education for the 21st Century.” The event opened on Thursday and ended yesterday.

Hsiao criticized President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) “diplomatic truce” policy, saying a unilateral truce was meaningless because China’s suppression of Taiwan on the diplomatic front was on-going and would only get worse as Ma “surrenders all his weapons.”

Source: Taipei Times 2009/11/02

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