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Penghu residents say authorities threatened them

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and several Penghu residents yesterday accused the government and judicial authorities of threatening the island’s voters to deter them from casting ballots in the Dec. 5 local elections.

At a press conference at the Legislative Yuan, several registered Penghu voters living in Taiwan proper showed a letter issued jointly by the Penghu Prosecutors’ Office, the Penghu County Police Department and the Investigation Bureau’s Penghu office advising them not to vote in the local elections if they have a household registration in Penghu but do not live in the county normally.


Chinese activist detained when Obama visited

A leading Chinese human rights lawyer who tried unsuccessfully to meet US President Barack Obama in Beijing last week was detained and interrogated twice during Obama’s visit to China, a US lawmaker and a US-based Chinese activist said.

Jiang Tianyong (江天勇) had returned to Beijing after giving testimony last week at a human rights hearing in Washington on allegations of China’s forced abortion practices.


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Officers detain an injured man after police dispersed a crowd gathered for a “universal siege on communists” rally at Chater Garden in Hong Kong yesterday.
Photo: AFP

Clashes yesterday broke out between protesters and police in Hong Kong, cutting short a rally after thousands had gathered at a park on Hong Kong Island to call for electoral reforms and a boycott of the Chinese Communist Party.