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Chinese dissident wants PRC to follow Taiwan model

Liu Xiaobo (劉曉波), a prominent Chinese dissident who was sentenced to 11 years in jail by a Beijing court on Friday, said last year that he dreamed China could develop a democratic system similar to that in Taiwan.

Liu, who had been detained since December last year, was given the jail term on charges of “inciting subversion of state power,” a vague term that China uses to prosecute its dissidents.


Government denies ‘dollar diplomacy’

The Presidential Office yesterday defended the government’s recent donation of a jet to the Panamanian government, saying President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) opposed “checkbook diplomacy” but was not against offering aid to diplomatic allies if the money was used properly.

“Since his presidential campaign, the president has emphasized that he is against ‘checkbook diplomacy’ or ‘dollar diplomacy’ because the source or flow of the money isn’t clear,” Presidential Office Spokesman Wang Yu-chi (王郁琦) said. “However, he is not against using money in a proper way if there is a clear and specific plan.”


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Thirty years after military police clashed with supporters of the democracy movement in Kaohsiung, the event still evoked strong emotions and memories in academics, witnesses and political leaders yesterday at a forum held to mark the protest known as the “Kaohsiung Incident.”

Lee Shiao-feng (李筱峰), a professor at National Taipei University of Education’s Graduate School of Taiwan Culture and a long-time pro-independence activist, recounted his experience as a participant in the Incident, saying the streets were filled with protesters eager to see political change and an end to authoritarian rule.