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Massacre victims, families sue KMT

A total of 108 people — including 33 victims of the 228 Massacre and 75 family members — yesterday filed a lawsuit against the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT), demanding it apologize for the massacre and compensate them for their hardship.

“Nearly 63 years have passed, still the KMT has never shown any intention to take responsibility and apologize to victims and their families,” Yang Chen-lung (楊振隆), whose uncle was killed by KMT troops, told a press conference at the 228 Memorial Park in Taipei.


Task force mulls plan to emphasize Chinese history

The Ministry of Education (MOE) yesterday denied it would put more emphasis on Chinese history, saying a task force was still considering making changes to the high school curriculum.

“The Department of Secondary Education’s stance on the issue is clear. We respect the expertise of the task force,” department director Chang Ming-wen (張明文) told reporters at the ministry. “[The task force] has not finalized the changes. I believe members of the task force will consider public opinion when deliberating the issue.”


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Professor Hsu Shih-jung of National Chengchi University shows his bruises during a press conference at the Legislative Yuan yesterday. The bruises were caused when he was arrested during a protest against the Dapu houses-demolition case.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

A university professor who was arrested on Tuesday during a protest over the forced demolition of houses in Dapu Borough (大埔) in Miaoli County’s Jhunan Township (竹南) accused national security authorities of instructing police to use excessive force against protesters and urged President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration to stop enforcing repressive controls over its people.

“Most of Taipei City’s police officers were nice to me and I believe they were forced by national security authorities to handle the protest with violence. It’s the national security authorities that are uncivilized,” National Chengchi University professor Hsu Shih-jung (徐世榮) said at the Taipei City Council.