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A-bian gets psychiatric medicine, wants to know why

Chen Chih-chung, second left, son of former president Chen Shui-bian, holds up a bunch of flowers and a get-well-soon card that he received from a group of Tainan residents on behalf of his father in Taoyuan County yesterday.
Photo: Li Jung-ping, Taipei Times

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) has requested that prison authorities explain why he was given psychiatric medication when he had not asked to see a psychiatrist, Chen’s office secretary Chiang Chih-ming (江志銘) yesterday.

Chen Chih-chung (陳致中), Chen Shui-bian’s son, said the medical team at the government-run Taoyuan General Hospital discovered a drug normally used to treat psychiatric conditions in the former president’s list of medications.


We are not terrorists

A screen grab of the a short video clip released by Sky News
showing rows of Chinese paramilitary forces manning the streets of
Ngaba, eastern Tibet.
A screen grab of the a short video clip released by Sky News showing rows of Chinese paramilitary forces manning the streets of Ngaba, eastern Tibet.

DHARAMSHALA, March 8: Even as senior Chinese leaders hogged the media in Beijing, on the sidelines of the rubber stamp parliamentary session, describing self-immolations in Tibet as “terrorism in disguise,” Tibetans at the centre of the protests have a completely different story to tell.


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Dead body of Norpa Yonten who was shot dead during a peaceful protest by Chinese security personnel on January 23, 2012 in Drango.

DHARAMSHALA, November 6: Five monks from the Drango Monastery in the Kardze region of eastern Tibet have been sentenced to varying prison terms of six to seven years for their alleged involvement in a major anti-China protest that erupted in the area earlier this year.

Dharamshala based rights group Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in a release today said their sentencing came after months of arbitrary detention and disappearance.