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Chen Shui-bian pleads innocent again at appeal

Former president Chen Shui-bian enters the Taiwan High Court in Taipei for a hearing yesterday.
Photo: Lo Pei-der, Taipei Times

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) made his first court appearance yesterday since reports emerged on Tuesday that he has attempted suicide three times since first being taken into custody in late 2008.

Chen, who is serving a 17-and-a-half-year sentence on corruption charges, arrived at the Taiwan High Court to the cheers of around 20 of his supporters. He looked tired and ill.


Referendum application will be heard: chairman

Taiwan Solidarity Union Chairman Huang Kun-huei, left, gestures at a hearing for a proposed referendum on the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

The application for a referendum on the cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) will be discussed on Wednesday as scheduled, despite the proposer withdrawing from a hearing yesterday, Referendum Review Committee chairman Chao Yung-mau (趙永茂) said.

Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) Chairman Huang Kun-huei (黃昆輝), the initiator of the referendum proposal, said Chao should, as committee chairman, not convene the hearing. Huang then withdrew from the hearing.


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Presidential Office spokesman Alex Huang (黃重諺) yesterday said that President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) would head a preparatory committee for national affairs conferences on judicial reform to be set up by the office, in an effort to prevent the pending nominations of the Judicial Yuan president and vice president from impeding long-awaited progress toward judicial reform.

“Actually, in addition to serving as convener, [Tsai] will also designate a civil opinion leader to be the deputy convener of the committee, which will consist of legal and non-legal professionals,” Huang said.