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Taipei fed up with pun, chooses new name for Neihu line

The Taipei City Government will spend about NT$1 million (US$30,000) to change the name of the MRT Muzha-Neihu Line after an insulting twist on its name became popular.

The problem-ridden MRT line is jokingly called by the last two syllables in “Muzha” and “Neihu” because when put together, they sound like zhahu (詐胡), a term in the game of mahjong that describes an act of cheating.


Control Yuan investigates I Pin case

The Control Yuan yesterday dismissed media speculation that it planned to censure President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) over the Taipei City Government’s decision to grant Yuanta Group (元大集團) permission to build a 23-story building near the president’s residence during Ma’s term as Taipei mayor.

“It is true that we are ­investigating this case, and we also found some problems as alleged by the print media [Chinese-language Next Magazine],” Control Yuan member Ma Yi-kung (馬以工) told reporters.


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The Green Citizens’ Action Alliance said yesterday that the conclusions of an international team of experts on Friday that the nation’s three operating nuclear power plants had passed a stress test were flawed, and that civic groups should be allowed to participate in the tests.

The assessment of the stress test reports of the three operating nuclear power plants, released by a peer review team from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Nuclear Energy Agency, concluded that, overall, the test was implemented properly and its measurements were adequate, with a few caveats.