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Japan may place troops close to disputed islands

Tokyo is considering placing troops on a remote Japanese island in the East China Sea to monitor China’s expanded naval activities that have worried its neighbors, the Yomiuri Shimbun reported yesterday.

The defense ministry wishes to create a “coastal security surveillance team” with the main mission to radar-monitor Chinese naval activities, the newspaper said, citing ministry sources.


Society to commemorate POWs

The Taiwan POW Camps Memorial Society and the Australian Commerce and Industry Office in Taipei have organized a Remembrance Weekend on Saturday and Sunday to commemorate the more than 4,350 Allied prisoners of war (POWs) held in camps in Taiwan between August 1942 and September 1945.

The 14th annual event includes a banquet on Saturday night at the Grand Hotel and a Remembrance Day Service on Sunday morning at the Kinkaseki-Taiwan Prisoner of War Memorial on the site of the former Kinkaseki POW Camp in Jinguashi (金瓜石), near Jiufen (九份), Taipei County.


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Building owner David Lin stands proudly in front of the mural promoting independence for Tibet and Taiwan. (Photo/Corvallis Gazette-Times/Andy Cripe)

DHARAMSHALA, September 11: A mural depicting images of Tibetans self-immolating and monks being beaten by Chinese riot police in a small US city has generated quite a media hype, courtesy China.

The 10-foot-by-100-foot mural painted by Taiwanese-born artist Chao Tsung-song and commissioned by property owner David Lin, on a brick wall in Corvallis, Oregon started drawing attention after China raised objections at the work, in written as well as in person, with local authorities.