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2010 ELECTIONS: KMT threatens lawsuit over TV show

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) threatened legal action after guests on a talk show criticized President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), but the party said it was only defending its reputation against political talk show guests and comments it regarded as departing from the truth, and was not taking action against media outlets themselves.

KMT Secretary-General King Pu-tsung (金溥聰) made the remarks in response to a report published by the Chinese-language United Daily News yesterday that said the KMT would file a lawsuit against Formosa Television (FTV, 民視) over comments recently made on its political talk show Boss Talk (頭家來開講).


Activists urge Clinton to be ‘neutral’

Sixteen Taiwanese-American organizations urged former US president Bill Clinton in a letter to be “scrupulously neutral” politically when he visits Taipei this weekend.

The signatories fear that Clinton, who will be in Taiwan making a paid speech on Sunday, could be misrepresented as endorsing the policies of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) administration.


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Japan is to underline the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait in its new national security strategy to be published this week.

Japan’s governing Liberal Democratic Party and its junior coalition partner, Komeito, discussed and reached an agreement on revisions to three national security documents, the Nikkei reported, adding that the revisions are to be made for the first time since 2013.