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2010 ELECTIONS: DPP worried over Chen Chih-chung

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators yesterday said they feared a call by pro-localization groups for voters to support former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) son in the Greater Kaohsiung City councilor election tomorrow could affect the party’s performance.

Calling on voters to act “wisely,” DPP Legislator Pan Men-an (潘孟安) said the groups’ support for Chen Chih-chung (陳致中), the former president’s son, could hurt the party in the elections.


Taiwan air defense needs a boost: US commission

As the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission officially released its annual report to the US Congress on Wednesday, commissioner Dan Blumenthal said there was unanimous agreement that “something must be done” to improve Taiwan’s air defense capabilities.

Addressing a packed hearing room in the US Senate, Blumenthal said there was “no silver bullet” that could balance the military forces facing each other across the Taiwan Strait, but that Congress needed to review the situation in a comprehensive manner.


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A watchdog organization yesterday accused the government of overlooking human rights and environmental issues while developing closer economic ties with China.

“At the very beginning of a trade agreement signed between the EU and South Korea, it was mentioned that the environment and human rights should be fully respected in trade relations,” Tseng Chao-ming (曾昭明), a member of Cross-Strait Agreement Watch and secretary-general of Corporate Social Responsibility Taiwan, told the forum. “Unfortunately, such issues are not mentioned at all in the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) the government signed with China in June.”