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Most in US choose protecting Taiwan over China ties

More than half of US respondents in a poll considered protecting Taiwan more important than maintaining good relations with China, a survey conducted by The Economist and YouGov showed.

The poll conducted from Feb. 25 to Tuesday last week asked 1,500 adult US citizens questions about the US’ role amid rising tensions between Taiwan and China.

Fifty-one percent of the respondents said it is more important for the US “to take a strong stand so that China does not take over Taiwan by force,” while 24 percent preferred “the US to maintain good relations with China.”


Tsai commemorates 228 heroes, victims

Living with dignity is the best way to commemorate the 228 Incident, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said yesterday in a speech at the 228 Incident Memorial Ceremony in Tainan.

The government’s 76th anniversary memorial ceremony in commemoration of the 1947 incident was held in Tainan 228 Memorial Park.

It was one of many events, including ceremonies, movie screenings, parades and silent commemorations, held throughout the country to mark the occasion.


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A US military expert is playing down the threat to Taiwan of China’s new DF-21D ballistic anti-ship missile, which is said to be capable of sinking an aircraft carrier.

Four-star US Admiral Robert Willard, commander of the US Pacific Command, made headlines earlier this week when he revealed for the first time that the missile was now in the early stages of deployment.