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Home Taesiong Scripture

228 Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture

Chapter 5: Karmic Retribution


Morally reckless and behaving without righteousness, acting with betrayal to Heaven’s Principles and consciences, taking up concealing dark deeds and scheming for power as competencies, cruelly harming the loyal and conscientious people, instigating and defaming, fallaciously arguing to obtain merits, deceiving about the reality, carrying out vicious actions, betraying citizens’ wills, deceiving the unlearned, committing boundless oral karma, heart karma, and body karma; such vicious, evil, and venomous acts shall receive, in reciprocate, severe and tragic, Cause-and-Effect karmic retributions.  For those who distort democracy, misguide human rights, self-willed to savagery and stubbornness, turn their back against the civil and the gracious, or oppress subordinates to claim their merits, willfully disobey Our teachings; shall suffer Heaven’s punishments.  For Our children and grandchildren who, has no feeling for favors received, yet is tireless in recalling resentment, makes light of the humble and the petty, agitates and disturbs the national administration, punishes the innocent, coerces and abuses the kind and good, slays people to obtain their wealth, overthrows people to obtain their positions, denigrates the righteous and expels the wise, wrongs orphans and coerces widows, ignores the laws and receives bribes, takes the straight as the crooked, takes the crooked as the straight, persecutes a peccadillo as a sin, augments harshness upon seeing an execution, knowing his faults yet fails to rectify, knowing the good yet fails to perform, blames his wrongs on others, obstructs the Ancients’ arts, scorns and slanders the righteous and honest, infringes and insults the voice of the just.


These Taesiong’s pronouncements, in accordance with Our will, those who err, not only invite swift retribution; in so short a lifetime, shall suffer karmic retribution of mind, karmic retribution of ailment, and karmic retribution of monetary exhaustion.  Consequently, never ever lightly tempts.  Be discrete!  Be discrete!


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Legislators hold placards both in support of and against a draft bill to handle political parties’ ill-gotten assets during a reading of the bill yesterday at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei.
Photo: CNA

The legislature yesterday passed legislation governing ill-gotten political party assets, which states that all properties obtained by political parties after 1945 — not including party membership fees and political donations — are to be considered illegal and must be returned to the state.