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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
621 Independence for Uighurs or death Shohret Hoshur 256
622 Taiwan’s turn to help Lithuania Chang Jim-way 張經偉 293
623 Taiwan must help the US help it James Holmes 319
624 Beijing betting on Taliban takeover Lionel Te-Chen Chiou 丘德真 250
625 Lithuania’s courageous decision Taipei Times Editorial 242
626 Cold War memories help build ties Liberty Times Editorial 226
627 ‘Greater China’ is a harmful myth James Lee 李牮斯 217
628 Following the treason money Taipei Times Editorial 215
629 Taiwan is Taiwan; all other names are useless Twu Shiing-jer 涂醒哲 205
630 Media need to stand up for Taiwan Peng Jui-jen 彭睿仁 229
631 ‘War means Taiwan independence’? John J. Tkacik, Jr. 218
632 China facing challenges on Tibet Sumit Kumar 202
633 UK signaling Pacific clouds of war Edward Chen 陳一新 219
634 Boosting Taiwan’s Vietnam policy Huynh Tam Sang 351
635 Japan still settling its Taiwan policy Joseph Bosco 264
636 Beijing exploits vaccines for profit Yang Chun-chieh 楊峻杰 253
637 Beijing’s becoming brazen in its sins Taipei Times Editorial 531
638 KMT infected with ‘China disease’ Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 271
639 Policies enhance Indo-Pacific ties Sana Hashmi and Alan Yang 楊昊 263
640 Pitfalls of corporate jab donations Chang Kuo-tsai 張國財 255
Page 32 of 143


Former minister of foreign affairs Mark Chen speaks to reporters at the “Taiwan-US-Japan and Asia-Pacific Regional Partners Security Dialogue” conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Lu Yi-hsuan, Taipei Times

Former minister of foreign affairs Mark Chen (陳唐山) yesterday engaged in a lively debate with a US representative on whether Washington “recognizes” or simply “acknowledges” that Taiwan is part of China, urging her to have a good look at the Shanghai Communique after she opted for the former.