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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
2641 Illusions about Chinese goodwill Chu Ping-tzu 祝平次 704
2642 Little to show for a lot of hype Taipei Times 842
2643 Classical Chinese proposal is a bad idea Taipei Times 931
2644 The appeal system for detention is not fair Wu Ching-chin 吳景欽 737
2645 The Control Yuan and scapegoating Taipei Times 629
2646 Balancing US, PRC comfort zones Paul Lin 林保華 769
2647 Putting the brakes on education Taipei Times 608
2648 ECFA just a step to annexing Taiwan Lin Kien-tsu 林健次 685
2649 More pandering to China Taipei Times 889
2650 KMT keeping its ‘chamber pot’ full The Liberty Times Editorial 745
2651 Punishing the ‘bad’ Taiwanese Taipei Times 944
2652 Ma’s wavering stance on defense Liu Shih-chung 劉世忠 988
2653 Caution on battling speculation Taipei Times 823
2654 ... and justice for none Taipei Times 988
2655 China’s rise has dangers all around Sushil Seth 931
2656 A head of state, but no leader Taipei Times 879
2657 Can’t we use ‘Taiwan’ in Taiwan? Taipei Times 945
2658 NTDTV blackouts serve as a warning Taipei Times 888
2659 Obama blinks, freedom suffers Taipei Times 939
2660 Blocking Kadeer violates liberalism Shei Ser-Min 謝世民 800
Page 133 of 139


A man waves a flag with the Citizen 1985 logo during a rally organized by the group for the Double Ten National Day at the Liberty Square in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

With songs, chants, speeches and clashes, tens of thousands of people demonstrated at several locations near the Presidential Office Building on Double Ten National Day yesterday, calling on President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to step down.

While different groups of demonstrators had different appeals — ranging from the fate of the country’s Fourth Nuclear Power Plant in Gongliao (貢寮), New Taipei City (新北市), to the government’s handling of an improper lobbying case allegedly involving major political figures — the call for Ma to step down was the common theme.