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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1601 This nation belongs to Taiwanese, not the KMT Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 506
1602 Ma’s clamorous opus in four parts Huang Kuo-chang 黃國昌 537
1603 Curriculum changes for the colonial outpost Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 447
1604 Secret China-centric indoctrination Taipei Times Editorial 456
1605 ‘Hatchet’ men stoke education revolution James Wang 王景弘 455
1606 Ma’s assent to diplomatic isolation Taipei Times Editorial 497
1607 Time for Hung and the KMT to step aside James Wang 王景弘 462
1608 Freedom of press under fire Taipei Times Editorial 441
1609 Make no mistake: China is the enemy Taipei Times Editorial 515
1610 The KMT is going back to the future Taipei Times 505
1611 Education shows Ma’s obstinance Taipei Times Editorial 478
1612 Reform key to creation of national structure Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 499
1613 Unite under heaven: The ‘one China’ conundrum Christian Fan Jiang 范姜提昂 542
1614 Defining the dynamic ‘status quo’ Leung Man-to 梁文韜 523
1615 Sovereignty of nations Taipei Times Editorial 465
1616 Safeguarding Taiwan’s democracy Parris Chang 張旭成 599
1617 Ma aids China’s annexation dream Taipei Times Editorial 534
1618 Hung Hsiu-chu upholds KMT ethnic prejudice James Wang 王景弘 588
1619 Greek crisis threatens Taiwan Taipei Times Editorial 524
1620 President Hung would run Taiwan into ground Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 476
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Former president Chen Shui-bian, center, is escorted by police into the Taoyuan General Hospital for a medical checkup in Taoyuan County yesterday.
Photo: Reuters

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) is suffering from acute coronary syndrome and will undergo cardiac catheterization today, the Taoyuan General Hospital said yesterday after Chen, on a temporary release from prison, underwent a medical checkup.

The Taipei Prison said it had agreed to a recommendation by the hospital that Chen undergo the operation and remain hospitalized for one week.