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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1381 A new era in Taiwan-US relations Yu Jie 余杰 731
1382 China’s ‘sacred’ claim to Taiwan Chang Kuo-tsai 張國財 729
1383 The change in cross-strait dialogue Taipei Times Editorial 732
1384 US Democrats can learn, not KMT Chin Heng-wei 金恒煒 796
1385 Trump shake-up may save Taiwan Huang Tien-lin 黃天麟 905
1386 It is time to leave the KMT nailed to the door James Wang 王景弘 784
1387 Divided loyalties of military retirees Taipei Times Editorial 621
1388 The DPP faces historic challenge Annette Lu 呂秀蓮 745
1389 Taiwan has its work cut out to join US-led TPP Edward Chen 陳一新 511
1390 Xi’s greatness depends on Taiwan Yu Jie 余杰 825
1391 What Trump means for Taiwan Taipei Times Editorial 754
1392 Beijing’s interference ends HK autonomy Joseph Tse-hei Lee 李榭熙 782
1393 It’s not too late to save Taiwan’s languages Huang Wung-hong 黃文宏 522
1394 KMT’s methods are self-defeating Liberty Times Editorial 648
1395 Military must leave students alone Lee Hsiao-feng 李筱峰 771
1396 The KMT’s demise is wonderful to behold James Wang 王景弘 505
1397 Moving past dictator worship Taipei Times Editorial 599
1398 Taiwanese have final say about ‘one China’ Chen Fang-ming 陳芳明 761
1399 The KMT is still hurting Taiwan as it flounders Lee Min-yung 李敏勇 531
1400 Self-rule not the same as declaring a free country Chris Huang 黃居正 975
Page 70 of 139


As China intensifies its campaign to stop US President Barack Obama from selling F-16C/D aircraft to Taiwan, some friends of Taipei are hitting back.

The Wall Street Journal has published an editorial on its Web site, warning Obama not to appease Beijing.

It says that Beijing is “lobbying furiously” against the F-16 deal and that if the US administration gives in “China will conclude it can intimidate the US from assisting its allies.”