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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
1391 2013-02-13 2013 Taiwan Shinto Spiritual Enhancement Class V at Holy Mountain - The fourth day of lunar new year Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 557
1392 2013-02-12 2013 Taiwan Shinto Spiritual Enhancement Class V at Holy Mountain - The third day of lunar new year Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 501
1393 2013-02-11 2013 Taiwan Shinto Spiritual Enhancement Class V at Holy Mountain - The second day of lunar new year Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 509
1394 2013-02-10 2013 Taiwan Shinto Spiritual Enhancement Class V at Holy Mountain - The first day of lunar new year Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 491
1395 2013-02-09 Referendum Alliance - Free A-bian Home for the Lunar New Year Rally at Taipei Station Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 286
1396 2013-02-08 Fan Shaped Locomotive Depot at Changhua Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 315
1397 2013-02-03 Dr. Yang's Holy Mountain Telling, Season VI Episode I Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 349
1398 2013-02-01 13th New Taiwan History Camp - Vistied the hometowns of Babuza and Hoanya Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 320
1399 2013-02-02 Holy Mountain Education Exhibition Boards on Stands Completed Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 371
1400 2013-01-26 Saturday Activities in Holy Mountain Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 388
Page 140 of 228


The US Department of State is declining for the first time to address an annual industry conference on defense and security ties between the US and Taiwan, the event’s organizer said.

US arms sales to Taiwan are a major sore spot with China. Still, the State Department has sent one of its senior officials to speak at the event each year for the past nine years, US-Taiwan Business Council president Rupert Hammond-Chambers said in an interview on Tuesday.

“It’s certainly a -disappoint-ment,” he said, although a senior Pentagon official will address the conference.