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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
1311 2013-07-13 Holy Mountain - Tâi-uân-sîn Lin Mao-sheng Statue Opening Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 628
1312 2013-07-07 "Services Pact Agreement - Trojan Horse" forum Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 490
1313 2013-07-07 Holy Mountain PaPaGo LXXXVII Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 505
1314 2013-07-06 Holy Mountain PaPaGo LXXXVI and Chairman Yoshihiro Matsutawara's Visit Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 502
1315 2013-07-06 Friends of FaceBook Protest Ma Ying-jeou Signed Services Pact Agreement at Taipei Main Station Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 290
1316 2013-07-05 Save Dapu on July 5th Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 313
1317 2013-07-03 Light and Righteousness Action at Taichung Prison Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 320
1318 2013-06-30 Holy Mountain PaPaGo LXXXV Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 430
1319 2013-06-29 Holy Mountain PaPaGo LXXXVI Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 424
1320 2013-06-27 Commemorate Chen Zhi-xiong, the First Martyr of Taiwan Independence - Martyrdom 50 Years Ago Press Conference Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 460
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US Secretary of State John Kerry, left, and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida listen to questions from reporters during their joint news conference in Tokyo yesterday.

US Secretary of State John Kerry yesterday stressed the US is willing to engage with North Korea as long as it takes steps to give up nuclear weapons.

He also vowed the US would protect its Asian allies against any provocative acts by the North, but said Washington wants a peaceful solution to tensions in the region.