Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Lithuania shows blueprint to oppose China

The Baltic nation of Lithuania has recently become the European face of resistance against the People’s Republic of China — and also a new friend to Taiwan.

Vilnius is the latest to make waves over changes to its policies regarding Taiwan and China.

The first significant move it made was in May, when it announced that it had left the Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (China-CEEC) initiative, making the “17+1” forum “16+1.”


Will Taiwanese defend themselves?

The withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan resulted in the Taliban romping to victory in a blitzkrieg-style campaign, knocking over the Afghan army like skittles. The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) wasted no time in milking the fall of Kabul for all it was worth.

Taiwan’s KMT-supporting pan-blue media immediately began to sow discord about the Taiwan-US relationship. No matter how many times the pan-blue camp professes to be pro-US, at critical junctures, it always reveals its true colors.


Aboriginal White Terror period victims remembered

Jih Chin-chun, the first Taiwanese Aborigine to fall victim to the White Terror era, smiles before being executed in Taipei on Aug. 29, 1952.
Photo courtesy of the Transitional Justice Commission

Jih Chin-chun (日進春), a member of the Saisiyat community, was the first Taiwanese Aborigine to fall victim to the White Terror era when he was shot by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) military police at a riverbank in Taipei 69 years ago, the Transitional Justice Commission said yesterday.

Jih has been memorialized by a picture, in which he is shown laughing, captured just before he was executed on Aug. 29, 1952, the commission said.


Abandonment of Taiwan unlikely

As the US is pulling out of Afghanistan, many Americans wonder what the war was all for. Seeing planes airlifting refugees out of Kabul brings back memories of planes flying into the Twin Towers in 2001.

In the weeks following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, the US invaded Afghanistan. The US was grieving and wanted to get revenge.

Whether it got revenge is subjective. The objective truth is that the US got Osama bin Laden, a 20-year conflict and US$2.261 trillion in war debt.


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A screen grab of the a short video clip released by Sky News showing rows of Chinese paramilitary forces manning the streets of Ngaba, eastern Tibet.

DHARAMSHALA, March 8: Even as senior Chinese leaders hogged the media in Beijing, on the sidelines of the rubber stamp parliamentary session, describing self-immolations in Tibet as “terrorism in disguise,” Tibetans at the centre of the protests have a completely different story to tell.