Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan Becomes a Country, It's Coming!

The first time the People’s Republic of China gets to have a voice at the United Nations is 1950.  It was the early period of CCP’s regime, and its Ministry of Foreign Relations had drafted up a list of individuals to serve as its ambassadors to the UN, to prepare a long-term warfare, and swore to expel Chiang Kai-Shek and company from the UN.  The Republic of China’s international standing was truly in peril.  If it wasn’t for an old friend - the United States’ strong support, the ROC would be long gone.


Fight the Communists to Protect Taiwan

In 1949, the old Chiang announced the Republic of China (ROC) is already dead.  1971 witnessed the elimination of the ROC name from the international arena and replaced by the People’s Republic of China (PRC).  Then, what the hell is the October 10th National Day celebrating?


After the Red Tide, Let's Discuss a Prescription For It

The current social unrests caused by Taiwan’s “red guards” (Red Shirt Armies) originate from KMT old guards’ faction pouncing back.  They want indulge in the old status quo as well as the unrighteous and unjustified spoils derived from such ancient regime.  Their distrusting of Taiwanese people is simply the voodoo of one-party national education based on the Greater China chauvinism.  The deficiency of education about democracy in Taiwan also aggravates this cohort’s apprehensive and panic state of mind.

My personal analysis on pathology of Taiwan’s current situation from the medical professional’s viewpoint:


A-Bian and Taiwanese Divinities’ Pact through Life and Death

On Thursday February 12th of 2009, Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation’s e-generation representatives arrived at the TuchengDetentionCenter to express our young friends’ concerns for Taiwan’s judicial system and President “A-Bian’s” recent well-being, as well as presenting warmth to President A-Bian.


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In a major report scheduled to be released yesterday, a US congressional commission urges US President Barack Obama to encourage China to “demonstrate the sincerity of its desire for improved cross-strait relations by drawing down the number of forces, including missiles, opposite Taiwan.”

The US-China Economic and Security Review Commission report also recommends that Congress encourage Obama to strengthen bilateral economic relations between the US and Taiwan and work with Taipei to modernize its armed forces, with particular emphasis on its air defense needs.