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Home Editorials of Interest Taipei Times Media maggots hit new low

Media maggots hit new low

The desperation of Taiwan has sunk to a new low. Not only are the last 20-odd years of democratization being thrown on the scrap heap by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) media clout and island-wide patronage, but now the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is also seemingly falling over itself to contribute to this nation’s complete subjugation.

Notwithstanding the myriad falsehoods and pretentious “Taiwanese” claims of President Ma Ying-jeou, the DPP is also losing its grip on reality. Instead of challenging the KMT elite on substantive topics, the DPP continues to focus on non-issues that actually serve to denigrate the past and invite the KMT overlords to use their media might to erase the real injustices from history.

This is an absolute tragedy for a people with such a rich and meaningful history of their own. The most recent example is the pathetic DPP call for the release of former president Chen Shui-bian (“DPP calls for release of Chen,” June 26, page 1). It was pathetic, because instead of highlighting the complete prejudice and oppression of the whole process and their ramifications, DPP Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen sees fit to fuel the fire of those KMT media bandits whose careers revolve around the daily blurring and obscuring of any issues of substance.

How idiotic to state in this context that Chen has “disappointed the public” and “failed to keep his family in line.”

What a load of nonsense. The proven facts to date are that after two failed attempts, the KMT summarily changed judges and have since kept the former president in incarceration without the slightest regard for fairness and justice.

This blatant political vendetta has brought the whole Republic of China judicial system into international disrepute and drawn much derision from legal experts, but Taiwanese themselves remain for the most part oblivious — for lamentably obvious reasons.

It is incumbent on the DPP to start focusing on the huge number of genuine matters of concern for authentic Taiwanese before it’s too late, and in doing so, not give unnecessary and unfounded credence to the spewings of those media maggots whose only goal is to make real issues farcical in order to preserve and entrench their and their masters’ unjust elitist status.



Source: Taipei Times - Letters 2009/07/03

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TAIPEI, Taiwan—The Chinese communist regime is determined to “unify” with Taiwan by 2012, according to exiled Chinese law professor Yuan Hongbing. He discloses confidential findings in his new book, Taiwan Disaster, which was released on Nov. 17 in Taipei.

In his presentation at National Taiwan University on November 17, Yuan said that a lot of documents quoted in the book were provided by regime insiders—insiders who risked their own lives to reveal the truth.