Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The Danger of Paxism

During the Roman Empire, the Romans came up with a Latin word: “Pax.”  On-line dictionary defines this vocabulary as:


1.      (Ecclesiastical in bible) Kiss of peace.

2.      (with initial capital letter) A period in history marked by the absence of major wars, usually imposed by a pre-dominant nation.


Introduction to The Formosa Holy Mountain Activities

The Taiwanese who are capable of fighting and resisting have unfortunately either been sacrificed or seriously injured.  The current remnants of Taiwanese are too timid to resist, not to mention heavily infected by the Stockholm syndrome.


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Lodoe, 36, in an undated photo. (Photo/Kirti Monastery)

DHARAMSHALA, July 19: A Tibet monk, missing for the past eight months, was finally traced after he was produced in a Chinese court in eastern Tibet and sentenced to three years in prison on unknown charges.

Lodoe, a 36-year-old monk from the Kirti Monastery in the beleaguered Ngaba region of eastern Tibet was arrested on October 20 last year and had not been heard off since.