Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

The Danger of Paxism

During the Roman Empire, the Romans came up with a Latin word: “Pax.”  On-line dictionary defines this vocabulary as:


1.      (Ecclesiastical in bible) Kiss of peace.

2.      (with initial capital letter) A period in history marked by the absence of major wars, usually imposed by a pre-dominant nation.


Introduction to The Formosa Holy Mountain Activities

The Taiwanese who are capable of fighting and resisting have unfortunately either been sacrificed or seriously injured.  The current remnants of Taiwanese are too timid to resist, not to mention heavily infected by the Stockholm syndrome.


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A draft act to overhaul military base security and ban the use of drones near their premises cleared the first reading at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday.

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators Wang Ting-yu (王定宇) and Michelle Lin (林楚茵) said they proposed the legislation because security standards at military bases and during military drills are based on administrative orders.

Such orders are widely considered a weak legal basis and would be overruled if they are found to conflict with other laws, they said.