Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation Youth Volunteer Corps Press Release

Ever since the second detention of the former President Chen Shui-bian, our entire society has been highly concerned about President Chen’s case.  The commentators and the media have all paid maximum amount of attention to the developments of this case.  Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation during this time period had also received many from all sectors of our society concerns and sympathies for President Chen; especially the e-mails from many users on the internet.  The internet is a young people’s platform.  Our Foundation, with our faith in the February 28th Taiwan Divinities as well as world-wide accepted values of freedom, democracy, and human rights as our basis, has today specifically come to the Taipei Detention Center in Tucheng to show our concerns for President Chen’s current situation and to convey the many internet using young people’s warm sympathies for President Chen. 


The Heavenly Light (B)


The career politicians of Taiwan, exploited the Great Ones who sacrificed for the February 28th Movement;

Too, demanded return of Kuomintang’s unjustified procurement,

Were expected to build the Republic of Taiwan.


The Heavenly Light (A)

Following the blood and tears of February Twenty-Eighth,

The earth’s grievances in we breathe,

The Gods’ light emerges as the Formosa Sun,

Though it can make the demons of imperial colonialism no where to escape but dawn,


Devils in powdered masquerade,

To the righteous and honest Formosan do they deceptively persuade.


Wild Strawberries at Taichung-What I See and What I Hear

The student demonstrators’ “Wild Strawberries Movement” is a pro-democracy movement that perpetuates the “Wild Lily Student Movement” that also possesses globally accepted values with wide ramifications.  This time around, the fact that the students were able to conduct peaceful demonstrations to demand democracy, freedom, human rights, and legal justices; is an achievement of democracy and education of democratic principles from 20 years of combined administrations of former presidents Lee Tung-Hui and Chen Shui-Bian.


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US Representative Ed Royce speaks during a hearing with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Washington on Wednesday.
Photo: Bloomberg

The US House of Representatives on Thursday passed its annual defense spending bill for fiscal year 2019, which includes provisions to help strengthen Taiwan’s military capabilities.

The US$717 billion National Defense Authorization Act cleared the House 351-66.