Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Presenting Dr. Yang’s Poem, “The Martyred Spirits of Democracy Preside over Taiwan 228 Holy Mountain”

Dear President Obama:

In this very special year, the 20th anniversary of the June 4th Tiananmen Square Massacre, I like to submit a poem commemorating this event by the Chairman of Taiwan Tati Foundation: Dr. Yang Hsu-Tung, who had been a long-time advocate of human rights, liberty and democracy…


On Iran’s Protest of Election Outcome and Referendum on ECFA

On the behalf of Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation, I would like to express concern and outrage as well as sympathy for Iranian protesters demanding a fair voting system after watching CNN reporting from Tehran last night.  The headlines are troubling.  We are particularly concerned about the violation of freedom of speech in that the Iranian government openly requires permission for foreign media reporting…


Dog eat dog, Aboriginal-style

It might be the effects of the economic downturn, but there is something rather strange about the dwindling role of ethnicity in political discourse in recent months.

True, when cash is a problem, people tend to fine-tune their priorities and focus on what really matters — and this might help to extract nonsensical ethnic politics from day-to-day political activity.


Media maggots hit new low

The desperation of Taiwan has sunk to a new low. Not only are the last 20-odd years of democratization being thrown on the scrap heap by Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) media clout and island-wide patronage, but now the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) is also seemingly falling over itself to contribute to this nation’s complete subjugation.


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DHARAMSHALA, November 23: In no respite to the spate of self-immolations inside Tibet, another Tibetan teenager passed away in his fiery protest Thursday, November 22.

In confirmed reports received by Phayul, Lubum Gyal, 18, set himself ablaze in Dowa town of Rebkong, eastern Tibet at around 4:20 pm (local time) in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet.