Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Goddess of Spring and Love

Who is that calling from the depths of the forest? 
In the lonely silence of the dawn,
Like the exuberant voice of a silver bell;
Calling whom? 
Oh!  Goddess of Love! 
Goddess of Spring and Love.


Dr. Shieh's speech at Heritage Foundation

Ching Shieh spoke at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. 11/25/2008 about the legal system and it's impact on politics. 

Finding the courage to face Morakot

The 10th anniversary on Monday of the 921 Earthquake, one of the nation’s worst natural disasters, was a day to recall both the tragedy and the heroic rescue efforts that followed. Images run by TV and newspapers from the catastrophe that claimed more than 2,400 lives brought back the pain and fear of the days following the disaster as the extent of the death and destruction became apparent.


Taiwan cannot retreat on freedom of speech

We approve of the decision of the Kaohsiung City government to screen the Australian made documentary "The 10 Conditions of Love" about an exiled Uighur rights activist in the face of intense pressure from the authoritarian People's Republic of China and pro-China interests at home, but deeply regret its flawed decision to separate the showings from the upcoming Kaohsiung Film Festival, scheduled for Oct. 16-29 at the Kaohsiung Film Museum.


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Taiwan has dismantled its efforts to promote democracy in China and has instead turned its attention to integrating Taiwan’s economy with Beijing’s, a former US diplomat said on Saturday.

In a stinging attack on the policies of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), the former diplomat said that Taiwan was now re-establishing the political doctrine that Taiwan was an integral part of “one China.”