Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Rejecting Kadeer — and credibility

The government’s undertaking to block World Uyghur Congress president Rebiya Kadeer from entering the country — if, as promised, she applies for a visa — should hardly come as a surprise. What is notable about Minister of the Interior Jiang Yi-huah’s (江宜樺) declaration in the legislature yesterday is the speed with which the government has drawn its line in the sand: It will not be portrayed as provoking Beijing, and certainly not a week out from China’s National Day.


Taiwan and the United Nations Not even asking

At the United Nations a pragmatic Taiwan changes tack

ONE of the annual rituals performed at the United Nations General Assembly in New York is off the programme this year. For the first time since 1993, Taiwan is not to ask its little band of 23 diplomatic partners to propose it for UN membership. This is not because Taiwan has suddenly given up: it has always known membership was out of the question, since China refuses to recognise its statehood. Rather, Taiwan’s new approach typifies the effort that has marked the 16-month tenure of President Ma Ying-jeou: to ease tensions with China without dashing all hopes for greater international recognition.


The Chen saga enters a new stage

Former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) corruption trial moved into the second stage yesterday when responsibility for the case was transferred from the Taipei District Court to the Taiwan High Court.

It can only be hoped that the High Court, prosecutors and the judiciary in general handle the second trial professionally and in line with established legal procedures, unlike the District Court. There is little evidence, however, that they are capable of doing this.


Kadeer is entitled to a visa

The Kaohsiung City Government’s decision to bring forward the screening of a documentary on exiled Uighur Muslim activist Rebiya Kadeer — amid complaints by the tourism sector that Chinese tour groups were canceling hotel reservations — was not well-received in some quarters.

Despite Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu’s (陳菊) claim that the decision was made to prevent controversy over the screening of The 10 Conditions of Love from escalating, the move nonetheless suggests that concessions had to be made because of pressure from China.


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The USS Antietam, a US Navy guided-missile cruiser that passed through the Taiwan Strait on Monday, is pictured in an undated photograph.
Photo: AP

The Ministry of National Defense on Monday evening confirmed that two US warships had sailed through the Taiwan Strait with a northerly bearing, after entering the channel from the seas near Oluanpi (鵝鑾鼻).