Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US diplomat slams China for opposing visit to Taiwan

American Institute in Taiwan Chairman Raymond Burghardt yesterday said Chinese pressure on Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to cancel a visit to Taiwan was “unacceptable” and inconsistent with Beijing’s claims it sought to improve ties with Taipei.

Nixon last month scrapped plans to visit Taiwan after a Chicago-based Chinese diplomat warned the trip could imperil a project by China to turn St Louis airport into a hub for Chinese cargo in the US.


Protesters rally against KKPTC plan

Hundreds of people — mainly university students — last night staged a rally outside the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) to protest a petrochemical industrial park project proposed by Kuokuang Petrochemical Technology Co (KKPTC), ahead of an environmental impact assessment meeting to be held this morning.

Chanting slogans critical of the project, and urging the EPA to reject it, hundreds of students from universities across the country rallied outside the EPA despite the rain and the cool weather.


AIT reassures ROC that strategic ambiguity is still America’s Taiwan strategy

American Institute in Taiwan chair Raymond Burghardt made his tenth official trip to Taiwan to brief leadership of the Republic of China in-exile on Hu Jintao’s recent trip to Washignton, D.C.

Hu Jintao is the head of the People’s Republic of China and called Taiwan’s status an internal Chinese issue and part of the PRC’s “core interests” in a speech before business leaders.


Intellectual laziness is damaging the nation

The recent US-China Joint Statement suffers from intellectual laziness when it applauds the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) between Taiwan and China. Why applaud an unsustainable policy that undermines the current international trade status and sovereignty of Taiwan and supports a government that appears to consider democratic Taiwan a part of China and thus goes against the wishes of the vast majority of Taiwanese?

No matter if the backing of ECFA is a result of intellectual laziness or not, it supports China’s political engineering with the ultimate goal of annexing Taiwan. This runs against Taiwanese wishes and is not sustainable.


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International Federation for Human Rights secretary-general Debbie Stothard, right, accompanied by federation CEO Eleonore Morel, second right, and Taiwan Association for Human Rights board member Wu Jia-zhen, second left, speaks at a congress in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) yesterday said that it would in October hold its 40th congress in Taipei, the first time the event is to be held in Asia in its nearly 100-year history.