Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

We are not terrorists

A screen grab of the a short video clip released by Sky News
showing rows of Chinese paramilitary forces manning the streets of
Ngaba, eastern Tibet.
A screen grab of the a short video clip released by Sky News showing rows of Chinese paramilitary forces manning the streets of Ngaba, eastern Tibet.

DHARAMSHALA, March 8: Even as senior Chinese leaders hogged the media in Beijing, on the sidelines of the rubber stamp parliamentary session, describing self-immolations in Tibet as “terrorism in disguise,” Tibetans at the centre of the protests have a completely different story to tell.


Chen to undergo cardiac surgery

Former president Chen Shui-bian, center, is escorted by police into the Taoyuan General Hospital for a medical checkup in Taoyuan County yesterday.
Photo: Reuters

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) is suffering from acute coronary syndrome and will undergo cardiac catheterization today, the Taoyuan General Hospital said yesterday after Chen, on a temporary release from prison, underwent a medical checkup.

The Taipei Prison said it had agreed to a recommendation by the hospital that Chen undergo the operation and remain hospitalized for one week.


Demand for UN intervention in Tibet grows

A Tibetan college student bleeding from his head after he hit
himself with a stone while protesting outside the UN Information Centre
in New Delhi on March 6, 2012. (Photo/TYC)
A Tibetan college student bleeding from his head after he hit himself with a stone while protesting outside the UN Information Centre in New Delhi on March 6, 2012. (Photo/TYC)

DHARAMSHALA, March 7: Responding to the call for March 6 global campaign by the Tibetan Youth Congress, the largest pro-independence group in exile, Tibetans carried out demonstrations, vigils, and petitioning campaigns in solidarity with Tibetans inside Tibet.

From the site of the indefinite fast in front of the UN headquarters in New York, the three Tibetan hunger strikes took part in a live webcast of their protest. Into their 14th day of fasting, physical deterioration was visible as they took turns to speak.


Ma administration’s foul-ups mount

When the Premier Sean Chen was appointed, it was said his new Cabinet would provide peace and security for the nation. With the crises over US beef imports and the outbreak of H5N2 avian influenza there seems to be a noticeable breakdown in communication between the government and the public. No one appears sure about what is going on and consumers have lost confidence in the safety of beef and chicken products.


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On being informed that a South Korean naval patrol vessel sank in disputed maritime waters off the divided peninsula, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), on a state visit to Palau, called an emergency meeting of security officials on Friday night and ordered the activation of Taiwan’s national security mechanism, Presidential Office spokesman Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強) said.

Ma also held a conference call yesterday morning with officials in Taipei, including Vice President Vincent Siew (蕭萬長), Minister of National Defense Kao Hua-chu (高華柱), Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) and Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平), to gather further information, Lo said.