Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Knowingly walking right into a trap

How far are Taiwan and China from each other? On a map, the distance is only about 125km from Hsinchu to Pingtan Island in China’s Fujian Province, but the controversy between the two sides over the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone makes it obvious that the psychological gap is far greater than the physical gap.


American Citizens for Taiwan calls for human rights for Chen after drugging

ACT calls for human rights for Chen Shui-bian in prison
ACT calls for human rights for Chen Shui-bian in prison
Credits:  Getty

American Citizens for Taiwan has issued a call for respect of human rights in Taiwan following the recent revelation that imprisoned Chen Shui-bian was drugged without his knowledge by the exiled Republic of China government he once led.


‘One country’ remarks indicate dysfunction: DPP

Democratic Progressive Party legislators Su Chen-ching, Pan Men-an and Tsai Chi-chang, left to right, hold a press conference yesterday at the legislature in Taipei accusing President Ma Ying-jeou of selling out Taiwan’s sovereignty.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) are reverting Taiwan to a single-party state with their ill-conceived proposal that cross-strait relations be conducted under the concept of “one country, two areas (一國兩區),” Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers said yesterday.


228 victim Pan Mu-chih commemorated in Chiayi

Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Lee Chun-yi calls on his audience to learn from history and protect Taiwan’s sovereignty at a march commemorating the 228 Incident in Chiayi County yesterday.
Photo: Wang Shan-yen, Taipei Times

Vice President Vincent Siew (蕭萬長) yesterday paid tribute to a prominent victim of the 228 Massacre, Dr Pan Mu-chih (潘木枝), at a commemorative exhibition held to mark the 65th anniversary of his execution and to honor his dedication to the development of democracy in Taiwan.


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New Power Party legislators, from third left, Freddy Lim, Hung Tzu-yung and Hsu Yung-ming, hold a news conference yesterday in Taipei regarding the alleged search of a private residence by military police without a warrant.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

Legislators from across party lines yesterday blasted the Taipei Military Police for confiscating White Terror era-related documents seized in a search of a civilian’s residence.

The Legislative Yuan’s Foreign and National Defense Committee put aside its scheduled agenda to question officials over the affair, passed resolutions condemning the military police’s actions and demanded the preservation of all documents relating to the White Terror era.