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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China is ‘severe’ nuclear threat to Taiwan: expert

Taiwan faces a “very severe” nuclear threat from China, a Washington forum was told on Thursday. Adjunct professor at Georgetown University Phillip Karber made the assessment after releasing a paper by Russian General Viktor Yesin titled China’s Nuclear Potential.

The paper, published last month in a Russian military journal and recently translated into English, concluded that China has up to 1,800 nuclear warheads. Previous estimates of China’s nuclear arsenal have generally put the warhead figure at a few hundred.


China forcing Burmese refugees back into warzone, says HRW

Refugees from Burma's Bhamo city cook their meals at a rescue camp
in the Chinese
southwestern border city of Ruili (Photo/Reuters)
Refugees from Burma's Bhamo city cook their meals at a rescue camp in the Chinese southwestern border city of Ruili (Photo/Reuters)

DHARAMSHALA, June 28: Chinese authorities are forcing back into Burma, ethnic Kachin refugees who have fled civil war, and is denying basic care to many who remain, a human rights group said this week.

In a 68-page report, US based Human Rights Watch said thousands of Burmese refugees in China are at the risk of being forcibly returned to the war-torn northern region of Burma from China’s border province of Yunan.


AEC’s arrogance endangers us all

The US sports media came up with a new word, “Linsanity,” to describe the unexpected — and inexplicable — string of astonishing performances by NBA player Jeremy Lin (林書豪).

On June 18, Atomic Energy Council (AEC) Minister Tsai Chuen-horng (蔡春鴻) and the council’s Department of Nuclear Regulation director Chen Yi-pin (陳宜彬) decided that Taiwan Power Co (Taipower) should restart reactor No. 1 of the Guosheng Nuclear Power Plant in New Taipei City’s (新北市) Wanli District (萬里). If one were to choose a word that best described this decision, one could not go far wrong with “insanity” here, either. What they are doing is essentially setting up the conditions for a compounded natural disaster and human catastrophe.


Ma’s past returns to haunt him

Sometimes it is truly amazing just how far a politician can change their stance on a particular issue.

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) provides an example of just such a case as his administration tries to persuade Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) lawmakers to support an amendment to the Act Governing Food Sanitation (食品衛生管理法) that would ease import restrictions on beef containing residue of the livestock feed additive ractopamine.


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The recent defection of a scientist to China and the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) bid to push through legislation on the free economic pilot zones reflect both the failure of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) pro-China policy and his attempt to neutralize a strengthening Taiwanese national identity, the Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) said yesterday.

“Ma has realized that the rise of a Taiwanese identity would be the biggest roadblock on the path to eventual unification with China, which is why he wants to bring as many Chinese into the country as possible through the establishment of zones and passage of the cross-strait service trade agreement,” TSU Chairman Huang Kun-huei (黃昆輝) told supporters in Greater Taichung.