Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma’s commitment to human rights

After winning the election on Jan. 14, President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) said he no longer faced the pressure of seeking re-election and pledged to leave a legacy in his second term. In view of the increasing calls for the Ma administration to address former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) confinement and his deteriorating health, the legacy Ma is seeking hopefully does not include the death of a former president as a result of human rights negligence.


Breaking: Teenage Tibetan monk burns self to death

Lobsang Lozin in an undated photo. (Photo/Kirti Monastery)
Lobsang Lozin in an undated photo. (Photo/Kirti Monastery)

DHARAMSHALA, July 17: A teenage Tibetan monk set himself on fire today in an apparent protest against the Chinese government in the beleaguered region of Ngaba, eastern Tibet.

Lobsang Lozin, 18, set himself on fire at around 12 noon near his monastery’s main prayer hall and began walking towards the local Chinese office in flames before falling down.


Chen attempted suicide: source

Former President Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) has developed severe post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, and has attempted suicide at least three times as a result of his incarceration, a Democratic Progressive Party lawmaker yesterday cited a medical assessment report as saying.

Chen is currently serving a 17-and-a-half-year term at Taipei Prison on corruption charges.


Chen Shui-bian now working on his seventh book

Former president Chen Shui-bian steps out of a prison van as he is taken to attend a session at the Taiwan High Court on June 29.
Photo courtesy of Taipei Press Photographers’ Association

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) said yesterday that he was working on his seventh book in jail and that he expected the One Side, One Country Alliance (一邊一國連線) he established to make great strides in municipal elections in 2014.

Chen, who has been in prison since he was convicted of corruption in December 2008, said he “would definitely go out of prison alive and keep working toward his goal of one country on each side” in a press release issued by his office yesterday.


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Hong Kong bookseller Lam Wing-kei poses for a photograph at the Tonsan bookstore in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Sam Yeh / AFP

A Hong Kong bookseller, who had disappeared into Chinese custody for half a year, yesterday said that he has fled to Taiwan after the financial hub announced plans to approve extraditions to China.