Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Zilkar Monastery tense following arrest of five monks

DHARAMSHALA, September 4: In growing cases of arbitrary detention of Tibetans by Chinese authorities, five more monks in eastern Tibet have been detained on unknown charges.

In reports received by Phayul, five monks of the Nyitso Zilkar Monastery in Tridu region of eastern Tibet were detained on September 1 from the monastery in a surprise raid by a large number of Chinese security personnel.


KMT moving to legalize its ‘assets’

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has said that with absolute power comes absolute responsibility. The evidence points more to him abusing the power he has and taking absolutely no responsibility for it.

The Cabinet’s draft political party act would bar political parties from investing in property or making money, setting a two-year time limit as of its enactment for parties to transfer ownership or sell off their assets. If they fail to do so within this period, they would have six months to hand these assets to a trust. Parties that do not comply with this legislation face a fine.


Taipei prosecutors find no secret agenda in ‘Dreamers’

Former Council for Cultural Affairs minister Emile Sheng talks to reporters yesterday after the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office said it had found no evidence of corruption in relation to the musical “Dreamers” performed in October last year. Photo: Liu Hsin-de, Taipei Times

The Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday closed its investigation into the bidding process of the centennial musical Dreamers (夢想家), and said that no irregularities were involved.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) filed lawsuits in November last year against President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), then-premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) and former Council for Cultural Affairs minister Emile Sheng (盛治仁), accusing them of allowing certain performance companies and individuals to profit from staging the musical to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Republic of China.


Control Yuan votes 6-4 to impeach Su Jia-chyuan

A representative of the Control Yuan gives a presentation in Taipei yesterday about a farmhouse owned by former Pingtung County commissioner Su Jia-chyuan, as the Control Yuan announced its resolution to impeach Su.
Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

The Control Yuan yesterday voted 6-4 to impeach former Council of Agriculture (COA) chairman Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) for illegally constructing a luxury farmhouse on agricultural land without engaging in any agriculture.

“Su used his administrative privileges during his terms as Pingtung County commissioner, minister of the interior and COA chairman to build a farmhouse on an agricultural land as a mansion for his own use. None of the equipment or the remaining land were found to be used for agriculture, which constitutes a violation of the Agricultural Development Act (農業發展條例),” the Control Yuan told a press conference following a meeting to discuss the case.


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Lobsang Gendun, a 29-year-old Tibetan monk passed away in his self-immolation protest against Chinese rule in Golog, eastern Tibet on December 3, 2012.

DHARAMSHALA, December 3: In confirmed reports coming out of Tibet, yet another Tibetan set himself on fire today in Golog region of eastern Tibet in an apparent protest against China’s continued occupation of Tibet.

Lobsang Gendun, a 29-year-old Tibetan monk self-immolated in Golog Pema Dzong at around 7:45 pm (local time). He succumbed to his injuries at the site of his protest.

Tsangyang Gyatso, an exiled Tibetan told Phayul that Lobsang Gendun was a monk at the Penag Kadak Troedreling Monastery in Seley Thang region of Golog Pema Dzong.