Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

China fails to remove Tibet mural

Building owner David Lin stands proudly in front of the mural promoting independence for Tibet and Taiwan. (Photo/Corvallis Gazette-Times/Andy Cripe)
Building owner David Lin stands proudly in front of the mural promoting independence for Tibet and Taiwan. (Photo/Corvallis Gazette-Times/Andy Cripe)

DHARAMSHALA, September 11: A mural depicting images of Tibetans self-immolating and monks being beaten by Chinese riot police in a small US city has generated quite a media hype, courtesy China.

The 10-foot-by-100-foot mural painted by Taiwanese-born artist Chao Tsung-song and commissioned by property owner David Lin, on a brick wall in Corvallis, Oregon started drawing attention after China raised objections at the work, in written as well as in person, with local authorities.


Democrat and Republican conventions bring call for new Taiwan policy

The Republican and Democrat parties have concluded their national conventions and both mentioned Taiwan in their platforms. Although the Republican platform reference is longer and talks about defense of the island, both political documents tend to support the longstanding “strategic ambiguity” that clouds Taiwan’s international status.

The party platforms do make it clear that Taiwan’s status remains unresolved but they both lack a timetable to resolution.


US mayor lectures Chinese official on freedom of speech

Beijing is fighting to have an artist’s mural promoting independence for Taiwan and Tibet removed from a brick wall in the small town of Corvallis, Oregon.

Two officials from the Chinese Consulate General in San Francisco have written to the mayor of Corvallis about the mural and last week visited the town to lodge a formal complaint.

“As you are aware, the First Amendment of the US Constitution guarantees freedom of speech in this country and this includes freedom of artistic expression,” Corvallis Mayor Julie Manning has told them.


Taiwanese and Tibetans strengthen bonds

DHARAMSHALA, September 8: In growing exchanges between Taiwan and Tibet, a Taiwanese group is currently in Dharamshala, the exile Tibetan headquarters, visiting Tibetan offices and meeting with exile leaders.

Organisers of the trip, the Gu Chu Sum Former Political Prisoner’s Movement of Tibet and the Taiwanese Friends of Tibet group, yesterday held a joint press conference, addressed by Professor Chang Yen Hsien, head of the Taiwan Association of University Professors.


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A total of 41 armed officers from the National Police Agency’s elite Wei-An Special Police Commando unit arrived in Taichung City yesterday afternoon to help maintain public order following a recent spate of serious crimes in the city.

This was the fifth time since 1999 that the unit was deployed to Taichung.