Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Tibet crisis raised at UN rights session in Geneva

DHARAMSHALA, September 19: The critical situation inside Tibet has received attention at the ongoing 21st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (September 10-28) in Geneva at the behest of numerous countries and the European Union.

Country representatives and NGOs brought to the Council’s notice the issue of Tibet, where 51 Tibetans have set themselves on fire since 2009, protesting China’s continued occupation and demanding freedom and the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile.


Human rights team, DPP legislators visit A-bian in hospital to check health

Human rights activists Hans Wahl, right, and Harreld Dinkins, left, visit Chen Shui-bian at Taoyuan General Hospital yesterday.
Photo: Lee Jung-ping, Taipei Times

Two members of an independent human rights team arrived in Taipei to review the human rights case of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) and visit him at Taoyuan General Hospital yesterday.

Human right activists Hans Wahl and Harreld Dinkins visited Chen at the hospital accompanied by Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators Kuan Bi-Ling (管碧玲) and Mark Chen (陳唐山). Leading the group of visitors — though not visiting Chen Shui-bian — is Jack Healey, the director of Washington-based Human Rights Action Center.


Recuperating Tibetan self-immolator faces jail threat, Financial difficulties

Dawa Tsering in an undated photo. (Photo/TCHRD)
Dawa Tsering in an undated photo. (Photo/TCHRD)

DHARAMSHALA, September 17: A Tibetan self-immolator, who is reportedly making good recovery from his burn injuries, faces an uncertain future coupled with jail threats and a slim chance of re-entering his monastery.

Dawa Tsering, a monk at the Kardze Monastery in eastern Tibet,
set himself on fire within the walls of his Monastery on October 25, 2011 during a religious ceremony. While engulfed in flames, he shouted slogans for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama from exile and the re-unification of the Tibetan people.


Hong Kong leading the resistance

The recent demonstrations in Hong Kong against the introduction of national “patriotism” classes and the Legislative Council elections held on Sept. 9, can be compared with Taiwan’s present political predicament.

Hong Kong’s objections to the “patriotism” classes result from a clash of universal values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law, which were — in part — left behind by the British and the rule of individual discretion and authoritarianism as introduced by the Chinese.


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Former vice president Annette Lu speaks at the founding ceremony of the Anti-One China Principle Union in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Wang Min-wei, Taipei Times

Former vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) yesterday described China’s political maneuvers and increasing economic ties with Taiwan as a “silent annexation” and warned of the gradual erosion of Taiwan’s sovereignty.

“The silent annexation is ongoing. The Democratic Progressive Party’s [DPP] loss of power might be tolerable, but the loss of sovereignty in our time would be an irreversible mistake that would jeopardize future generations,” Lu said in a speech during the founding ceremony of the Anti-One China Principle Union.