Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

ECFA benefits mostly China: report

The economic effects brought by the “early harvest” list of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) are more favorable to China than to Taiwan, according to a report released by the legislature’s Budget Center, a finding that contradicts a previous statement by Premier Sean Chen that touted the list’s “remarkable achievements.”

The “early harvest” list, which took effect in January last year, includes items that enjoy preferential tariffs first under the EFCA, an agreement signed between Taiwan and China in 2010 that also includes the opening up of certain industries.


Tibetan monk Jamyang Palden succumbs to injuries six months after fiery protest

Tibetan self-immolator, monk Jamyang Palden, in an undated photo.
Tibetan self-immolator, monk Jamyang Palden, in an undated photo.

DHARAMSHALA, October 1: Tibetan self-immolator Jamyang Palden, a monk at the Rongwo Monastery in Rebkong, eastern Tibet, has reportedly succumbed to his injuries after an ordeal that lasted for more than six months.

Jamyang Palden, 34, passed away in the evening of September 29, at his monastery quarters.

According to India based Tibetan language news portal, Tibet Times, monks at the monastery gathered in large numbers to offer prayers for the deceased, soon after news of his passing away broke out.


US rights group hits out at detention conditions for Chen

The Washington-based Human Rights Action Center (HRAC) is appealing to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to grant former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) an “independent and unbiased medical evaluation without delay.”

HRAC director Jack Healey issued a statement on Saturday saying: “Don’t play politics with a human life.”


Breaking: Another Tibetan burns self calling for independence

DHARAMSHALA, September 30: Just two days before the People’s Republic of China celebrates its 63rd National Day, a Tibetan in eastern Tibet has set himself on fire calling for Tibet’s independence.

Yungdrung, a 27-year-old Tibetan man, set himself ablaze in Zatoe town of Yushul, eastern Tibet on September 29, Saturday.


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Saying the financial memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed with Beijing on Monday was signed “in a surreptitious way,” the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday demanded that the agreement be deliberated at the legislature.

The DPP criticized the government for compromising the nation’s sovereignty as the MOU was signed under Beijing’s “one China” framework, adding that it held the legislature in contempt for keeping the contents of the MOU secret.