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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US senator asks AIT director to visit former president

A US senator has asked Christopher Marut, director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), to visit former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) in jail or hospital.

Senator Sherrod Brown, a Democrat, said in a letter sent this week to Marut that Chen is suffering from severe depression and is undergoing psychiatric treatment at Taipei Veterans General Hospital.


Ex-President Chen Shui-bian moved to ROC psychiatric unit amid calls for release

Chen Shui-bian, former President of the Republic of China in-exile, was transferred yesterday, Oct. 23, to a psychiatric unit at the government-operated Honorable Veterans Hospital. Chen was transferred after hospital doctors concurred that the ex-leader was suffering from severe depression. The hospital announced plans to return Chen to Taipei Prison after his depression is brought under control.

Chen Shui-bain is serving a 17 year sentence for alleged corruption following a controversial trial marred by allegations of perjured testimony, a politically-influenced judge, and an after-hours skit by courtroom personnel mocking Chen. Chen has been confined to a tiny cell 23 hours a day since 2008 in harsh conditions.


Third Self Immolation in Tibet in four days

Dorjee Rinchen (File photo)
Dorjee Rinchen (File photo)

DHARAMSHALA, October 23: News have just come in of another self immolation protest in Tibet. 3 Tibetans from Sangchu County have resorted to self immolation since Saturday to express their protest against China's policies and demand the release of the exile Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

Dorjee Rinchen, 58, today set himself ablaze near the Chinese Army camp at 3:30 PM (local time) in Sangchu county where two others, Lhamo Kyab and Dhondup, had died after setting themselves ablaze on Saturday and Monday respectively.


US political ad uses wrong ‘Taiwan’ flag

Taiwan has become the object of a US congressional battle, with a Republican candidate accusing his Democrat opponent in a new TV ad of violating house rules by having lobbyists pay for a US$22,000 trip to Taiwan last year — except there’s a problem: the ad shows the Chinese flag as a backdrop.

The ad, paid for by Republican congressional candidate Matt Doheny, has led to some head scratching in the US and accusations that the “inflammatory” error could mislead the US public.


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The government could seek a constitutional interpretation if lawmakers vote down its motion to reconsider legislative reform bills today, Premier Cho Jung-tai (卓榮泰) said yesterday.

Cho made the comments during a session at the Legislative Yuan on the eve of today’s floor vote on the motion, which is expected to be rejected by the opposition parties’ combined majority.

The legislature is urged to give serious thought to discussing the merits of the bills and ensure their consistency with other legislation and its acceptability among Taiwanese, he said.