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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Legislator Liu Chien-kuo says Chen Shui-bian’s case shows jury system is needed (Photos)

Interview with Legislator Liu Chien-kuo in his office

TaiwanPolitical Prisoner Report, Jan. 21, 2013. Legislator Liu Chien-kuo says that most people in Taiwan agree that Chen Shui-bian did not get a fair trial. Liu welcomed the opportunity to speak on the topic of Chen’s prosecution.

“A very, very unfair trial,” said Liu. “In that proceeding, they replaced the judge for a hit man for the government. Most everyone in Taiwan says that is not legal, the judge is illegal.”


Doctors must protect Chen

The Hippocratic Oath is a pledge, called the “Doctor’s Oath” in Chinese, that is taken by doctors and other healthcare professionals, asking them to promise, to the best of their abilities, to practice medicine ethically and honestly. It is not a formal contract, and it is up to each doctor or nurse to live up to the oath as best they can.

It is apparent from photographs in newspapers and on television news that former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), currently serving a long jail sentence, is not in the best of health. Visitors from who have seen Chen have reported back to the media that he looks frail and depressed.


Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim calls Chen Shui-bian’s prison conditions horrible (Photos)

Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim is critical of Ma Ying-jeou's treatment of Chen Shui-bian

Taiwan Political Prisoner Report, Jan. 18, 2013. Legislator Hsiao Bi-khim has taken a strong advocacy role within the Democratic Progressive Party and has directly challenged Ma Ying-jeou, president of the Republic of China in-exile, over the treatment of Ma’s predecessor, Chen Shui-bian. In December, Hsaio appeared at Democracy Camp outside the ROC presidential office building to protest Chen’s mistreatment in prison where he is serving a lengthy sentence for alleged corruption.


Jan 13 Protest Brings Out the Crowds But Even More Trouble Looms on the Horizon

The Protest on January 13th was very successful in expressing the voice of dissatisfaction among the people. And if there are any in Washington DC or China who think that the Taiwanese are happy with the direction that the Ma government is trying to take Taiwan, they can be classified as "self-delusional fools." There can be no doubt that in the minds of some in DC and Beijing that they think that they can settle the Taiwan matter between themselves; such thinking is paternalistic and as I said self-delusional. Hopefully, there are at least some wiser and more perceptive minds in Washington.


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Panel members at a forum listen yesterday to National Taiwan University economics professor Kenneth Lin.
Photo: Wang Min-wei, Taipei Times

Government efforts launched last month to stimulate the economy lack any clear results and GDP might still contract or grow at a rate of less than 1 percent, economists said yesterday.

National Taiwan University economics professor Kenneth Lin (林向愷) said he did not believe President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) could make good on his promise to make economic progress within the month — which would be up on Wednesday — despite a rise in exports last month and a lowering of the unemployment rate.