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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Europe could do more to ’deter attack’ on Taiwan

European countries could help deter a Chinese attack on Taiwan by conducting military exercises with Taipei and joining the US in imposing sanctions against China, former NATO secretary-general and former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in Taipei yesterday.

“The most important supplier of weapons and military assistance to Taiwan will be the US. However, to prevent a possible Chinese attack against Taiwan, European countries could assist in different ways,” Rasmussen said.


Clarity on KMT conscription stance

Given the strong possibility that China could invade Taiwan, the Presidential Office has formulated an “armed forces realignment plan to strengthen our all-out national defense.”

Having been discussed and finalized at a high-level national security meeting, the plan is to be submitted to the Legislative Yuan via the Executive Yuan.

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative caucus whip Ker Chien-ming (柯建銘) said that after the Executive Yuan had approved the bill, it would pass it on to the Legislative Yuan for approval.


Taiwan built sub to be tested from September

A prototype of Taiwan’s first locally built submarine is set to begin testing in September, marking a milestone in the nation’s Indigenous Defense Submarine program, CSBC Corp, Taiwan (台船) chairman Cheng Wen-lon (鄭文隆) said yesterday.

The construction of the prototype has continued around the clock after overcoming a series of difficulties thanks to the cooperation of the Naval Shipbuilding Development Center, the navy’s 256th Submarine Squadron and a CSBC task force, Cheng said.


Japan taking China threat seriously

In the past few years, the Chinese military threat to Japan has become increasingly serious. Under such circumstances, Japan has acted accordingly, outlining strategic plans for the next five years to expand military budgets, boost defense capabilities and enhance its ability to deter enemies.

On Dec. 16, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s Cabinet approved three key security documents: the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Strategy and the Defense Force Buildup Plan.


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Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Puma Shen (沈伯洋) yesterday said he would prioritize legislation to clarify the definition of being “at war,” and which government agencies are to be in charge when the nation comes under cyberattacks.

Taiwan needs to improve in such mechanisms, and both the Ministry of National Defense (MND) and the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MDA) have stated that they are unsure who would be in charge of cyberattacks and defense if the nation is at war, he said.

The endeavor would involve many ministries and departments, Shen said, suggesting that the Executive Yuan take the lead and coordinate between government agencies while he helps set the overall direction and draft special laws.