Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Be wary of Beijing in Manila row

On May 9, Philippine Coast Guard personnel opened fire on a Taiwanese fishing boat, the Kuang Ta Hsing No. 28, killing Hung Shih-cheng (洪石成), one of the crew. Manila’s failure to demonstrate a sincere desire to resolve the issue means that tensions could worsen. From the provocative and irresponsible attitude it has taken over this affair, it evidently does not regard Taiwan as a sovereign nation. Its subsequent invocation of the “one China” principle was particularly brazen.

China stands to gain the most from this affair. It has not only presumed to pose as Taiwan’s protector, but has also continued to take advantage of Taiwan. Since the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) is still jousting with the Philippines, it cannot respond to China’s jibes, much less hit back.


Protecting Taiwanese is Ma’s duty

Taiwanese fishing boats have long been menaced by armed vessels from the Philippines and Vietnam, with countless Taiwanese fishermen saying they have either been harassed or had their catch confiscated at gunpoint.

With life on the high seas hard as it is — given the physical and mental effort needed to cope with the uncertainty of the weather, as well as interference from Philippine and Vietnamese ships — imagine the added emotional burden Taiwanese fishermen carry knowing that they cannot count on their own government for protection or support.


US again declines to condemn Manila over shooting

Despite strong pressure and repeated efforts, the US has again declined to issue an outright condemnation of the Philippines for shooting a Taiwanese fisherman.

However, US Department of State spokesperson Jennifer Psaki has confirmed that Washington is now trying to play a role in calming the growing crisis.

“We regret the tragic death of a Taiwan fishing boat master during the May 9 confrontation at sea with a Philippine patrol vessel,” Psaki said on Monday.


Taipei waits for answer from Manila

Taipei expects to hear from Manila by midnight today on four demands it made after a Taiwanese fisherman was shot dead by Philippine Coast Guard personnel last week.

Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lin (林永樂) told lawmakers yesterday that Philippine Representative to Taiwan Antonio Basilio has assured him that Malacanang Palace will have a formal response to the demands before the 72-hour ultimatum, issued on Saturday, expires.


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From left, Taiwanese independence advocates Tsai Chao-peng, Cheng Tzu-tsai and Liu Che-chia hold a news conference in Taipei yesterday to announce the formation of the Sovereign State for Formosa and Pescadores Party.
Photo: Hsieh Chun-lin, Taipei Times

Former political exile Cheng Tzu-tsai (鄭自才) yesterday launched the Sovereign State for Formosa and Pescadores Party in Taipei.