Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Signing of trade pact not imperative

In the nine months since the cross-strait service trade pact was signed, the government has repeatedly stressed that the Legislative Yuan must ratify the agreement as soon as possible for two key reasons: a delay would hurt the nation’s credibility in the international community and benefit South Korea, Taiwan’s main export rival, because it is negotiating a free-trade pact (FTA) of its own with Beijing.

Those two arguments seem to have been ignored by the pact’s critics, who have largely focused their ire on the damage to the nation’s economy and public livelihoods the pact would cause and the risks to the nation’s democratic way of life posed by becoming more closely linked to China.


Protesters give thumbs down to Cabinet proposal

Students outside the Legislative Yuan in Taipei yesterday hold up cardboard signs calling for the passage of oversight legislation prior to a review of the cross-strait service trade agreement, as police clear the way for legislators and staff vehicles to enter and leave the complex.
Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times

Student activists occupying the legislative chamber yesterday rejected the Cabinet’s proposal for legislation to monitor cross-strait agreements, calling it an empty, insincere proposal aimed at deceiving the public.

“The Cabinet proposal is rather superficial, especially when [the premier] rejects our demand to apply the law to the review of the cross-strait service trade agreement,” student leader Chen Wei-ting (陳為廷) told a news conference at the Legislative Yuan.


Roots of repression lie in Ma’s family line

I was impressed by the words of a certain young person who said during the Sunflower protest that their parents gained the right to vote because their grandparents started a revolution, but because their parents then voted unwisely, the young generation are now having to revolt again.

These words are not only moving, but also a fair approximation of the truth. However, they are not words that apply to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and his parents and grandparents.

A look back at the past few generations of the Ma dynasty reveals that the family is reactionary through and through — it is in their political DNA.


Pro-China forces in Taiwan a real threat

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has successfully leveraged the cross-strait service trade agreement to waste Taiwan’s national resources. It has also inflicted a great deal of physical and psychological harm on Taiwanese. Throughout the entire process of negotiating and signing the agreement, the CCP has not lost a single thing, while Taiwan has been severely hurt in many ways.

This is the inevitable outcome of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) proactive stance over interactions with China.


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Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee Chairman Wellington Koo, right, speaks at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

The Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee yesterday said it froze a bank account of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) over the issuance of 10 checks worth a collective NT$520 million (US$16.54 million) immediately after a law was promulgated prohibiting political parties from disposing of assets presumed to have been obtained illegally.