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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Project ‘Recall HQ’ launched in Neihu

Supporters of the Appendectomy Project, which is campaigning to recall Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Alex Tsai, cheer at the opening of their campaign office in Taipei’s Neihu District yesterday.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

The Appendectomy Project’s campaign to oust Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Alex Tsai (蔡正元) reached a new milestone yesterday, with the inauguration of the nation’s first “Recall Headquarters,” launched in Taipei’s Neihu District (內湖).

To recall Tsai in the upcoming referendum, which is to take place on Feb. 14, more than half the ballots cast must be in favor of the motion.


Wave of change sweeping the nation

As we enter a new year, the arrival of a new batch of mayors and county commissioners who are not members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) may bring new prospects for local politics. In 2008 the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lost the presidency, and local power has also been in the hands of its rivals since then, but now the party’s hopes have been rekindled.


The effect of purchasing influence on governance

To contend that elections in Taiwan are a money pit would meet little challenge. There is little doubt, either, that major financial groups play the role of banker in the background, funding campaigns — either willingly or under duress — through political donations.


Lawyer to Ma’s father sues KMT elites over assets

Lawyer and Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) member George Wang yesterday prepares to file a lawsuit with the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office over the unexplained loss of value of the party’s assets.
Photo: Chien Li-chung, Taipei Times

George Wang (王可富), lawyer and former legal consultant to Ma Ho-ling (馬鶴凌), yesterday filed suit against 13 elite members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) — including President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) — accusing them of breach of trust and embezzling NT$200 billion (US$6.3 billion) worth of party assets.

“Ma Ying-jeou is behind the unexplained depreciation of party assets,” Wang said as he filed the suit with the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office.


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The suicide attempt earlier this week by former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) was a direct result of inadequate medical treatment, the Washington-based Formosan Association for Public Affairs (FAPA) said.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, FAPA expressed its “deep concern” for what it called “this further downturn” in Chen’s health.