Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Rights advocates decry Chinese record

International human rights campaigners yesterday testified at a Legislative Yuan hearing on religious persecution and human rights violations in China, while lawmakers and rights advocates called for a refugee law to be enacted and aid sent to persecuted Chinese.

US-based China Aid Association president Bob Fu (傅希秋) said a series of religious persecutions in China’s Zhejiang Province began in July at an unprecedented rate, with more than 1,300 people detained, interrogated or missing, and crosses at more than 1,700 churches demolished.


KMT proposal targeting Lee on legislative agenda

Former president Lee Teng-hui, fourth right, and Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) legislative candidates wave as TSU Chairman Huang Kun-huei, third left, leads them in a visit to Lee at his home yesterday.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

The legislature’s Procedure Committee yesterday placed Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) Legislator Lu Hsueh-chang’s (呂學樟) proposal to eliminate benefits accorded the nation’s retired leaders if they “offend the nation’s dignity” on the agenda of the legislature’s new plenary session, which opens next week.


‘Dogma’ returning: education group

A page from a textbook based on previous high-school curriculum guidelines says that people’s identification with being Taiwanese has been on the increase since 1996. Photo: provided by Huang I-chung

Action Coalition of Civics Teachers spokesman Huang I-chung (黃益中) said the Ministry of Education’s changes to high-school curriculum guidelines allowed it to sneak in the desiccated corpse of party-state education of bygone days.

The dogma of the past might be making a comeback in some parts of new high-school civic education textbooks after its removal nine years ago, Huang said.


Lu, TSU bring treason charges against Lien

Peter Wang, left, and Chilly Chen, 908 Taiwan Republic Campaign convener and deputy secretary-general respectively, stand below a message that they wrote on the wall of the old Taipei City Council building denouncing former vice president Lien Chan as a traitor.
Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Former vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) and a lawmaker yesterday filed separate charges of treason against former vice president Lien Chan (連戰), accusing him of breaching national security by attending a Chinese military parade marking the end of World War II in Beijing on Thursday.


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US Representative Dana Rohrabacher is threatening to end his strong legislative support for Taiwan as a result of Chunghwa Telecom’s (CHT, 中華電信) decision to terminate satellite services for “pro--democracy” channel New Tang Dynasty Television (新唐人電視台, NTDTV).

“If Taiwan does not support the struggle for freedom of thought within China, I see no need for America to support Taiwan,” Rohrabacher said in a letter sent on Wednesday to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九).

Rohrabacher, a California Republican, has been one of the most ardent pro-Taiwan representatives in Washington.